FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. -- The North Texas Super Bowl Committee and the NFL unveiled the logo for Super Bowl XLV on Thursday morning, displaying Cowboys Stadium in the background with the Vince Lombardi Trophy sitting on top of the Roman numerals for the game. There is a new logo for every Super Bowl, but starting with the 2011 Super Bowl, the theme of the logo will basically remain the same. The only differences from year to year are the stadium backdrop and the Roman numerals for the game. NFL officials looked at eight designs before recently finalizing their choice. The NFL didn't present it to North Texas officials until last week. "It's a unique mixture of icons that represents what this whole thing is all about. It's well done," said Bill Lively, the president and CEO of the North Texas Super Bowl XLV Host committee. "We've approached our mission not just for 45 but for many, many [Super Bowl] games to come." The NFL also announced it...